The Coalition Government has stepped in to help kick-start the massive £300 million plus Waterside project along the A61 corridor in Chesterfield. The project, which will reclaim the long-derelict land running from the old Trebor site almost up to the new Tesco, has been stalled for the past eighteen months or so since the new canal basin was built. A £2.4 million grant for public realm work has been obtained from the government's "Growing Places" fund, via Sheffield City Region, and is to deliver all canal related infrastructure which forms the necessary structure of the Waterside site including provision for flood mitigation. This will include the construction of the new canal arm, locks, weir and road bridge access. Together with some "Get Britain Building" funding, these works will also enable the first phase of residential development, 45 homes, to take place on site which is expected to get the commercial development going around the canal basin..