Shop Vacancies in Chesterfield Nearly Double Under Labour
Shock figures show that the number of shop vacancies on Chesterfield High Street have nearly doubled since Labour took control of the Council less than 2 years ago.
Shock figures show that the number of shop vacancies on Chesterfield High Street have nearly doubled since Labour took control of the Council less than 2 years ago.
By pure co-incidence, the Confederation of Passenger Transport's Coach Friendly Award, launched in 2003 - which was designed to recognise and reward the efforts of towns and cities which encourage and accommodate coach tourism - happened at the same time as when the green friendly Liberal Democrats last took control of Chesterfield Borough Council.
Julia Cambridge, Chesterfield's Liberal Democrat Prospective Parliamentary Candidate, has welcomed news that the Personal Tax Allowance will be raised further than already planned in April, benefiting nearly 40,000 workers in Chesterfield. She said, "Raising the tax free personal allowance to £9,440 in April will see a further Income Tax cut for many local workers.
Proposals by Labour run Chesterfield Borough Council to raise Council Tax this year have been slammed by local Liberal Democrat Prespective Parliamentary Candidate and campaigner Julia Cambridge.
Press Release 21/01/2013
From talking with local residents, Chesterfield Liberal Democrats are reporting support for Government measures to support those who earn wages below the national average. Referring to the Coalition Government's significant increase of the amount of money someone can earn tax-free every year, Walton Councillor Keith Morgan said: