Derbyshire's Labour MPs have been accused of breaking a manifesto commitment by voting to make identity cards compulsory for anybody applying for a passport.
Derbyshire's Labour MPs have been accused of breaking a manifesto commitment by voting to make identity cards compulsory for anybody applying for a passport.
Government experts were so impressed by Chesterfield Borough Council procedures that they now plan to use them as an example of "Best Practice." Officers from Government Office East Midlands (GOEM) performed a full audit of the way the Council's Regeneration Directorate runs its European funded projects.
Speaking at today's mass lobby of Parliament by Council tenants, Paul Holmes,addressed the failures of the current housing policy led by the Labour Party: "I can understand why some tenants MIGHT want to get rid of the Council as their landlord since some estates might be very poorly run. But what tenants do not want is to be given a Hobson's choice; they do not want a shotgun divorce."
Some very good news: Chesterfield Tourist Information Centre (TIC) has once again reached the finals to be held in London in mid - April.
Paul Holmes MP has backed a Commons Motion in a bid to save many of Britain's safe herbal remedies from being wiped from the shelves of health food stores. In doing so, he has earned the thanks of local consumers who use herbal products and national organisation opposing these unnecessary EU restrictions.
Britain's leading house builder, Barratt, has joined forces with Chesterfield's Lib Dem Borough Council to give new home-buyers the chance to help save the environment - and publicise their "green" conservation credentials at the same time.