Post Office Campaign Snowballs
Chesterfield Liberal Democrats are stepping up the campaign to try and prevent the Labour Government's plans to close 7 more Post Offices in the Chesterfield and Staveley area.
Local MP Paul Holmes said "lots of letters and petition signatures are already flooding in, in response to the first 20,000 leaflets we delivered to all the affected areas. I would urge everyone who is concerned to write in with their objections. In other parts of the country some Post Offices slated for closure have been saved where a strong case has been made, but if people just give up then Labour's massive closure programme will go ahead unchecked."
"There will be a bad knock on effect in some areas as local shopping facilities are lost as a result of Post Office closure. It is so short sighted of the Government to take away business from Post Offices and then close them down as a result of this loss of trade."
"We are about to deliver a second wave of leaflets to remind people that there is still plenty of time to put their objections down in writing."
The offices slated for closure are:
Brimington Common
Hady (Lee Road)
New Brampton (Old Hall Road)
Stonegravels (Sheffield Road)
Newbold Road (Closed due to fire and now to be permanently Closed)
Letters of objection can be sent to Paul Holmes MP at Chesterfield Liberal Democrats, FREEPOST SF621, Chesterfield, S40 and he will copy them on to both Royal Mail and Postwatch.
Alternatively they can be sent direct to the National Consultation Team, Post Office Ltd, FREEPOST CONSULTATION TEAM and a copy to Postwatch: FREEPOST POSTWATCH