Play area vandals strike at Chesterfield park
Several stepping stones have been removed from the Whitecotes Field play area - leaving three potentially dangerous fixing posts exposed.
The crime has been described as 'yet another blow' for the friends of Whitecotes Field group which has worked hard over the last few years to raise money to improve facilities in the park, off Hazel Drive.
Liberal Democrat borough councillor Keith Falconer, chair of the Friends of Whitecotes Field, said: "We must have had more than £3,000 worth of damage done to newly-installed items.
"All this has taken many hours of fund finding, managing installations and working with the borough and county councils - all by community-minded volunteers who give their time and skills to help the families of the area."
He urged anyone who sees vandalism taking place in the playground to call police on 101.
"It's to everyone's benefit to stop this wanton destruction to the facilities in the field," he said. "We all want youngsters to have play equipment - and people complain when there isn't any or if what there is, is substandard.
"The Friends of Whitecotes Field ask neighbours to help look after the play area and to report any anti-social behaviour immediately to the police."