Labour should not be spending your Council Tax like this!
Chesterfield's Labour Council recently showed again just how totally out of touch it is, by bringing forward plans which spend thousands of pounds of the hard earned money that residents stump up every year in Council Tax. They revealed they've already spent £14,000 having a new council logo designed. And having it put on such things as borough council clothing, vehicles and facilities, in due course, will inevitably cost more of your money.
Like their Derbyshire Council colleagues who've recently spent £150,000 of residents' money on yet another publicity guru, they've also issued warnings that they'll be cutting back or scrapping services that Chesterfield folk rely upon. They'll no doubt be blaming everything on the Coalition Government as usual. But, in difficult economic times, shouldn't they instead be using residents' money more carefully - on protecting basic services! Let us know what you think here.