Labour's proposed Council Tax increase.
Many Chesterfield resident's were shocked to see in the local media that the Labour leaders of Chesterfield Borough Council are thinking of a 3.5% Council Tax rise this year - despite the coalition government offering a special grant to pay for Council Tax to be frozen for the second year running. This would make Chesterfield one of only a handful of Councils throughout the country to turn down the offered government grant. Labour say that it will make it harder for the Council to manage in future years if Chesterfield doesn't put Council Tax up this year.
Cllr Ray Russell ( Chesterfield Borough Council Liberal Democrat Group Leader ) said ' I am very disappointed that Labour say they are considering turning down this grant from the government which had been offered to freeze Council Tax for residents again this year. It will mean Chesterfield and Staveley residents having to pay more and it making life just that little bit harder in these difficult economic times. It is particularly disappointing given that Chesterfield Borough Council's financial position for the final year of the Liberal Democrat Administration (2010-11) was only recently given a very approving report from the District Auditor which would have been welcomed by most Councils across the country. All but a small number of Councils are accepting the grant and freezing Council Tax to help residents a bit - and saving local people money would seem right to me.'