Paul Holmes has backed calls for immediate international action to save the people of Darfur.
At the Liberal Democrat Conference in Brighton Mr Holmes lent his support to the efforts of Susan Kramer, the Party's International Development Spokesperson, who is highlighting the plight of the two million refugees in western Sudan. Paul commented:
"Sunday's Global Day for Darfur protests saw the world demand that the international community act where the Sudanese Government has not. The desperate humanitarian situation in the region is worsening daily. Now is the time for us to act decisively. We must not fail the people of Darfur as we failed the people of Rwanda nearly 12 years ago and turn our backs. "
23 Liberal Democrats MPs, MEPs, peers and GLA members joined Susan Kramer in pledging their support for the 'Global Day for Darfur' campaign at the Liberal Democrat conference on 17 September 2006. Susan Kramer MP will table the Early Day Motion calling for action in Darfur once Parliament reconvenes on 9 October 2006.
For more information about Crisis Action's 'Global Day for Darfur', visit