Hipper Corridor Regeneration Survey
The summer and autumn have brought mixed fortunes for the Walton & West Division. At last the plans for the regeneration of the Hipper Corridor have been lodged with the Council. Local Liberal Democrats contacted some 2,000 households immediately affected by the development to elicit some measure of local opinion.
Of the returns received only two opposed the development (less than 2%). Some concerns were expressed about one particular supermarket operator but it is worth pointing that the final decision, should planning permission be granted, will be a three way agreement between the Council which has to consider other areas in the town, the owner of the land who wants to get the best price for the land and the developer who quite simply wants the Masterplan for the area to work!
It is worth pointing out that the regenerated area will have to generate money and jobs: parks and a green area will generate very little and increase expense for the Council. The positive responses from the public, most of whom had seen the plans, pointed to the regeneration cleaning up the derelict site and it access points, improving the employment situation locally and reducing traffic travelling down Chatsworth to go elsewhere in town to shop. We would like to thank all residents who either attended the two local presentations or who responded to our questionnaire. Currently, the developers have agreed to extend the planning determination date until Christmas to allow for thorough consultation between all partners. Please contact any local Liberal Democrat councillor if you would like updates as discussions proceed.