Commenting after meeting a delegation of SubPostmasters from Chesterfield taking part in today's National Federation of lobby of Parliament against Post Office closures, Paul Holmes, Liberal Democrat MP for Chesterfield said: "One third of the Post Offices in Chesterfield have closed since 1997.
"The Labour government has refused to renew the contract for the Post Office Card Account, undermining the financial viability of more Post Office branches and more closures will inevitably follow.
"Many elderly people have been forced against their will to accept pension payments into bank accounts rather than via the Post Office. Now the Government is moving to make more services on-line only, including car tax renewals, taking more business away from the Post Offices.
"Local Post Offices give vulnerable people a chance to access services close to home, enabling people to continue to lead independent lives. In many areas of Chesterfield Post Office closures and poor transport will leave communities isolated from services.
"The Government must act to halt Post Office closures and reverse their decision not to renew the Post Office Card Account."
"Chesterfield subpostmasters told me during our meeting that they don't want handouts, they want to be allowed to continue to deliver the services to their communities that they were able to before the Government withdrew business from them."