Election Results
Thursday 7th May was the most difficult of nights for Liberal Democrats across Britain, as we lost 49 of our 57 Westminster MPs in the General Election.
However, we fared better on Friday as the Chesterfield Council election results were announced, by the end of the day we had retained nine of our previous eleven seats. Thanks to all those who recognised the exceptional hard work of all the candidates in their communities over the last four years and voted for them to continue.
It was a hard fight with limited financial resources and personnel to run the campaign - but due to the commitment of local party members we have a solid base on which to rebuild. We may be down, but we're not out.
Whilst our cause has been dealt a temporary blow, there are already signs of a fightback, with over 11,000 new members joining across Britain since polling day, including a number in Chesterfield. Those of us who believe in the values of liberty, community and individual freedom must stand together and defend them - if you would like to help us please get in touch.