Chesterfield U3A event 6th November 2019
U3A gives retired people of any age opportunities for learning and enjoyment. Chesterfield U3A started small in 1994 but now has 1,000 members. Members organize around 100 groups to give various opportunities for learning and activities. Our list of activities runs from Looking After an Allotment to Zumba Gold, and includes science, philosophy and languages and practical activities such as photography, painting, drawing and making music. Mind and body are closely linked, so we also have bowls, darts and racketball as well as a range of walking groups. Each year there are educational, concert and theatre trips and walking holidays. If you want to keep an active body and mind in retirement, U3A will leave you spoiled for choice.
To celebrate our 25th Anniversary, we are holding a 25th Anniversary CAMEO (Come and Meet Each Other) meeting at the Winding Wheel on Wednesday, November 6th, from 1.30-3.30pm. There will be over 30 displays, and existing members can find new groups to join. Anyone who is either retired or thinking of retiring is welcome to come along and find out more about the fun and learning U3A offers. This is a drop in event, so pop along anytime between 1.30 and 3.30pm.