"Council faces some of the most difficult decisions it has ever faced in balancing the budget."
The most recent Borough Council Auditors Report was discussed at December's Council meeting. It warns that the example of Councils such as Northamptonshire [which went bankrupt] is "…the importance of taking early action…before the position becomes unmanageable."
Cllr Paul Holmes, Leader of the Liberal Democrat opposition to Labour told the Council meeting "You can no longer keep spending One Million Pounds more, every year, than you actually have. You can no longer keep plugging the overspending gaps by using Council reserves and selling off Council land. Both are running out."
"Labour Cllrs need to deal with costs rather than cut services. But you seem to have no idea about what is efficient and what is losing money. The Magic money trees in Corbyn's La La Land are not coming to your rescue. You need to face reality."