Action Needed To Stop Deaths From Winter Cold
Commenting on the publication of the Fuel Poverty Advisory Group's Fifth Annual Report, Paul Holmes, Liberal Democrat MP for Chesterfield, said:
"This report shows the failure of the Labour Government to take effective action to combat fuel poverty. 2.5 million households in England are now suffering from fuel poverty, twice as many as in 2004.
"Fuel poverty is a serious issue. I believe that it is vital to help people make their homes more energy efficient to cut fuel bills and to prevent deaths throughout the winter. This is an essential campaign which I strongly support.
"15% of households in Chesterfield live in fuel poverty. Cold homes affect people's health and wellbeing, and are linked to heart disease and strokes, as well as respiratory diseases such as asthma and bronchitis. The elderly, families with young children, the disabled and people on low incomes are especially at risk from the dangers of cold homes.
"There are an average of 68 excess winter deaths every year in Chesterfield, linked to cold homes. This year, higher energy prices could push that figure even higher. Now that wholesale prices are falling costs to customers must come down.
"No-one should have to spend the winter without affordable heat for their home. I want to see an end to fuel poverty in Chesterfield and across the UK.
"I urge anyone who is worried about their winter fuel bill to call the Home Heat Helpline on 0800 336699 for information and advice on keeping warm in winter. For more information about grants available to keep your home warm, please call the Warm Front helpline on 0800 3166011."