A Right Royal Celebration
Much of Chatsworth Road has been classified as a conservation area and rightly so. From the listed buildings at Walton Works to St Thomas's Church there are many features of historical importance and industrial heritage, But alongside these giants lies a little, more hidden remnant of history - the Coronation Gardens.
The Coronation Gardens is the open green area to the side of number 328 Chatsworth Road. Opened in 1952, the garden was to mark the coronation of our Queen Elizabeth II. The work was done by Robinson & Son, as a contribution to the celebrations. Walton Councillor Maggie Kellman is keen to learn more about the garden and hopes you can help. If you have memories of the gardens from their heyday, perhaps photographs and stories to share please get in touch. You can telephone her on 07704 720 329, email her at Maggie.Kellman@Chesterfield.gov.uk or write to her at Chesterfield Town Hall, Rose Hill, Chesterfield. We look forward to hearing from you.